University educated Strength and conditioning coaches stick to a valid and reliable science to ensure that you will reach your goals. We prioritize science before entertainment. We will design specific exercise programs and diet that will make a major difference to your fitness outcomes.
Brett Taylor
Strength & Conditioning Coach
Specialises in:
Goal-setting and Achievement Programming
Body Fat Loss Consultations, Planning and Guidance
Nutrition Education
Elite Athlete Programming
Specific Periodisation for Best Results
Power and Strength Training
Exercise and Pregnancy
Targeted Stretching and Sports Massage Recovery
Qualifications & Awards
Bachelors Degree (Exercise Physiology) – RMIT
Masters Degree (Strength and Conditioning) – Edith Cowan
Ten Witchayapiti
Strength & Conditioning Coach
Specialises in:
Elite Athlete Training
Body Fat Loss
Strength Training
Training of Overweight and Older Populations
Functional Training
Nutrition Guidance and Specific Dietary Adaptations
Psychology of Exercise
Qualifications & Awards
Bachelor’s & Master’s Exercise Science Science – Kasetsart University, Thailand
Kamin Supateeralert
Strength & Conditioning Coach
Specialises in:
- Beginner Exercise Training
- Strength Development
- Stretching & Improved Flexibility
- Rhythmic Gymnastics (National Team)
- Fat Loss and Lean Body Mass Development
- Functional Mobility and Range of Motion Training
- Body Awareness Training – Balance and Coordination
- Targeted Stretching and Sports Massage Recovery
Qualifications & Awards
Bachelor’s Degree (Sports & Exercise Science) – Mahidol Univervisty, Thailand
Former National Gymnast for Thailand
Joel Hug
Strength & Conditioning Coach
Specialises in:
- Evidence-Based Resistance Training
- Beginner to Advanced Strength Training Techniques
- Full Body Mobility Routines
- TRX Training
- Rotational Sports Training (tennis, golf, baseball)
- Lean Muscle Mass & Fat Loss Programs
- Nutrition Guidance
Qualifications & Awards
Bachelor’s Degree (Exercise Physiology) – Gustavus Adolphus College, MN, USA
Former Collegiate Tennis Player
Strength & Conditioning Coach Specialises in:
- Beginner Exercise Training
- Functional Training
- Strength Training
- Stretching
- Sport Massage
Qualification & Awards
Bachelor’s & Master’s (Sports Science) – Chulalongkorn University, Thailand